Distracted driving remains a potentially deadly behavior

Distracted driving remains a potentially deadly behavior

You might think that given all of the high-profile anti-distraction campaigns launched over more than a decade as well as the anti-distraction legislation passed in all 50 states, fewer drivers would be engaging in distractions willingly while behind the wheel. Frustratingly, this isn’t the case.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 424,000 people were injured on U.S. roads in 2019 alone as a result of motor vehicle collisions involving drivers who were distracted. Translated roughly, this means that 15 percent of all injurious crashes – on average – involve distracted drivers.

Are young drivers especially distracted?

NHTSA data indicates that the age group most likely to be categorized as “drivers distracted at the time of fatal crashes” are those ages 15 to 20. However, this statistic alone does not illustrate the widespread nature of the distracted driving scourge that American travelers encounter on a regular basis. Drivers of every age and background drive while willingly distracted by technology and other attention-grabbing influences.

Can anything be done?

State legislation banning certain distractions has not been as effective as one would hope, partially because these prohibitions are difficult to enforce. Also, simply reminding the public that willfully distracted driving is hazardous doesn’t seem to reinforce the consequential nature of this problem either.

Setting strong boundaries and expectations regarding the use of technology while driving can help parents set good examples for their teen drivers. More effective anti-distraction campaigns in schools could help young drivers to develop better habits before it’s too late.

Despite all of these efforts, there are still too many distracted drivers on the roads. If you’ve suffered injuries caused by one of these drivers, it’s crucial that you seek the compensation you need for your expenses and damages. Having experienced legal guidance can help you protect your rights.

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